Clearwater Forest Consultants, LLC

Professional forestry and natural resources management

In 2005, Clearwater Forest Consultants became the first timberland management company in Missouri to receive the prestigious "Smart Wood" certification from the non-profit Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).  To read the news release click here. 

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Carbon Sequestration.....
enhanced income opportunities for FARMERS and FOREST LANDOWNERS
                                                                                                                  it's here!



Within the past several decades concern over environmental issues has increased considerably, greenhouse gases and Carbon Dioxide in particular.  Carbon sequestration has now emerged as an opportunity for landowners to gain financial rewards by practicing sustainable agriculture and forest management and marketing the carbon "fixed" by their fields and forests. 

Landowners who have certified sustainable forests (Forest Stewardship Council or American Tree Farm System) can qualify to trade Carbon Offset Credits on the CCX market.  With the current "Green Revolution" taking place, this could mean substantial income for landowners who take part in these programs.  Clearwater Forest Consultants is now working with AgraGate Climate Credits Corporation to help our clients take advantage of this new earning opportunity.

Carbon Sequestration: How does it work?

Fields and Forests will naturally consume atmospheric carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.  Some of that carbon is eventually stored in a stable “carbon pool” such as soil or plant tissue, i.e. wood.  The increase of carbon in a pool over one year, sometimes referred to as net positive flux, can be measured and represents the net annual carbon stock produced.

Once a project is registered with the CCX and a carbon offset contract is in place, sequestration is quantified each year.  Carbon credits are banked together by a CCX approved aggregator and trader and submitted to the CCX.  The credits are registered and then traded.  Landowners receive their payment bi-annually after transaction fees are discounted.  The CCX also holds 20% of each year’s credits in escrow which the landowner can sell at the end of the contract period.  The reserve is held in the event of carbon being released into the atmosphere (natural disasters...) and for contract compliance.

Carbon Offset Projects: Who’s eligible?

There are rules and guidelines to producing and marketing carbon stocks or credits depending on which registry or trading platform the project is enrolled in.  The CCX is North America’s only greenhouse gas emission registry, reduction and trading system for six greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride).  The CCX is a self-regulatory, rules-based exchange in which its participating members make voluntary and legally binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gases.

 The CCX currently accepts a range of offset projects including:

  1. No-till croplands

  2. Grasslands seeded since 1999 (e.g. CRP plantings)

  3. Trees planted or naturally regenerated (both rural and urban forests) since 1990
                CRP tree plantings
                   Non-CRP tree plantings

                Use this table to determine what your carbon stock is worth from planting trees (TABLE)

  4. Sustainable Forest Management

(Click on each project type to complete an enrollment form.  After we review your enrollment form, we will contact you regarding its eligibility status and discuss contract options.  This enrollment form is not a contract.)

Carbon payments do not disqualify producers from any government payment programs, e.g. CRP, EQIP, WHIP, etc.

How can Clearwater Forest Consultants help?

Clearwater Forest Consultants, LLC is NOT a CCX approved aggregator or verifier.  We are a forestry consulting firm that specializes in the management and marketing of forest and natural resources.  We help landowners analyze and review the technical and financial aspects of their carbon assets, and connect them with organizations that can market those assets. 

Please contact us to see what your carbon stock potential really is.

Clearwater Forest Consultants, LLC you get more from your forest and wild lands.
PO Box 176, Piedmont, MO 63957
573 223-7010