Clearwater Forest Consultants, LLC

Professional forestry and natural resources management

In 2005, Clearwater Forest Consultants became the first timberland management company in Missouri to receive the prestigious "Smart Wood" certification from the non-profit Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).  To read the news release click here. 

About Us
Hunt Lease
Timber Sales
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301-21: Iron County, MO

·Exclusive, full year hunting and camping rights, food plots and ATVs allowed

·No member limit

·Right of first refusal for renewal at end of term

DIRECTIONS: From Des Arc, take Hwy 49 North towards Annapolis.  Turn right on Highway C for 1.17 miles, at which point a trail entering the property shall appear on the left.  Tract may also be accessed from Walnut Hollow Road: travel is for 0.76 miles from Highway 49, at which point a trail entering the property will appear on the right.



GPS ASSISTANCE - If you have a Garmin GPS unit that can communicate with your computer, you can now download property boundaries and corners (tracks and waypoints) through an easy and free platform.  Hunting groups can now navigate across select properties knowing they are on the correct property.  For more information please contact us.

Clearwater Forest Consultants, LLC you get more from your forest and wild lands.
PO Box 176, Piedmont, MO 63957
573 223-7010