Clearwater Forest Consultants, LLC

Professional Forest, Wildlife and Land Management


About Us
Hunt Lease
Timber Sales
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CFC NEWS......

"Ozarks' premier forest and natural resource consultants."

 For most forest owners selling timber is an unfamil event they experience only once in a lifetime.  They often sell their timber for much less than it's really worth.  Clearwater Forest Consultants can take the uncertainty out of marketing your timber by using our experience to ensure you get the best possible price and protection for the uncut trees, soil, and water as well.  

Most people don't buy or sell a house or car without a good idea of its value.  The same should apply when you are buying or selling timber and timberland.  You should know what you have and what it's worth before you make the deal.  Clearwater Forest Consultants can give you an accurate unbiased estimate of the volume, quality, and value of your timber while it's still standing.  With this information you can decide what's best for you, your family, and your property.

We'd like to be your forestry consultant.  We invite you to browse our website, learn more about us and then contact us and let's talk about your forestry needs.  

ABOVE: The waterbars shown above are an erosion prevention method used post-harvest.  Erosion control should be an important consideration, and just one part of a truly successful timber harvest.



Garmin GPS Boundary Transfer Tool

Available Here

Instructions Here

Our client list includes Private Land Owners,  Timber Investment Management Organizations (TIMO's), State & Federal Agencies, Banks & Insurance Companies, Non-Government Organizations (NGO's), and Timber Companies

Clearwater Forest Consultants, LLC you get more from your forest and wild lands.
PO Box 176, Piedmont, MO 63957
573 223-7010